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Gish Galloping Your Way Through Threads


Ever debated a Young Earth Creationist? You know how some of them just come at you with a stack of arguments, most ridiculous, or questions of the style?

If people came from apes why are there still apes?
If evolution is true where are all the missing link fossils?
What about Mt St Helen Eruption?
The bible clearly provides evidence for a young earth!

You get the picture.  Since evolution is a complex concept and the area it covers is enormous it takes time to properly answer those questions and combat terrible arguments. Hell, even if the arguments were good it’s sill going to take time. But usually by the time you’re done answering the first question properly, they’ve left claiming you can’t answer the questions or combat their viewpoint.

It’s disappointing to see our fair share of Gish Galloping in threads arguing against religion. Firing off questions in rapid succession and making frequent and silly arguments, just don’t cut it. It might win you a few cheers from the atheist cheer squad, but how well have you engaged? I know some might say “well it doesn’t deserve proper engagement it’s a load of bullshit”. Well if that’s you then please ignore this.  But if you are interested in engaging for the sake of understanding and rebutting arguments I think you need to slow down. We can’t expect the theist to provide a quick and easy response to “What do you believe?” (God I hate that question, broad much?) that is convincing. You are expecting them to sum up a complex belief in a comment or two.  To finish here’s a little sample of the atheist Gish Galloping I usually see on threads.

There’s no evidence for your god!
Show me a shred of evidence for your god?
We’re all atheists, I just go one god further than you!
So you’re saying Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists etc are going to hell?
How can their be free will if God exists?